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End Impaired Driving leads the fight against drunk driving.

For over 30 years, has been dedicated to ending impaired driving. Since 1991, more than 100,000 lives have been saved on our nation’s roadways. Although we cannot take full credit for the amount of incidents prevented, we certainly can say our voice and message of safety has worked in conjunction with the progress made over the decades. In an effort to aid the fight against drunk and drugged driving, we provide a number of educational resources and work closely with those in the DUI system: policy makers, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, toxicologists, treatment professionals, and safety advocates focused on making impactful change. Over the years we've been able too:

      • Strengthen nearly 230 state and federal impaired driving laws.
      • Champion efforts to strengthen the effective use of ignition interlock devices for all impaired drivers. Many states have passed strong all offender or, at a minimum, required high-BAC and repeat offenders to install ignition interlocks. In recent years, our focus has shifted to improving the implementation of programs and strengthening program infrastructure.
      • Provide data, prevention tools, advanced technology targeting recidivism, policies to strengthen ignition interlock device programs, resources for professionals (including policymakers).

To be successful in our mission to end impaired driving, educating the public and working with those in the DUI system, is critical. In this section you'll be able to learn more about DUI prevention and countermeasures, what to do about repeat offenders, multiple impairing substance impaired driving, and access DUI data for each state. To help jumpstart your research, take a look at our featured resources below!

Featured Resources

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